Strategic Vision Training invites all professional women to a workshop on Women in Management – Management and Leadership Development from the 26th to the 28th of November 2014 at the Novotel Accra City Centre Hotel, Accra, Ghana. 

IHRMP Members are entitled to discounts as follows:

1 - 2 delegates: 10%, thus only US$895.50 per delegate
3 – 4 delegates: 15%, thus only US$845.75 per delegate
5+ delegates: 20%, thus only US$796.00 per delegate 

Course Facilitator: Sheila Zondo, is a renowned South African course leader on issues regarding woman in the workplace. Sheila is a founding member of South Africa’s Black Management Forum and has also featured on the list of the top 500 women in South Africa. Sheila believes that management and leadership skills are the key for woman managers to earn respect up and down the ladder. She is a motivational speaker who has motivated many women across the continent.

Course Outline
·             What great woman leaders do differently- Use your personality and leadership styles to maximum effect.
·             Project confidence and command respect, by applying assertive communication techniques in your daily communication.
·             How to establish and project credibility and earn respect as a woman in a "Man’s World".
·             Your must have guide to Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – everything you need to know for winning results.
·             Decision-Making 101- This is essential and a must-have skill for every woman in management.
·             Proven methods and skills on how to quickly and effectively identify defuse and manage conflict.
·             Finding your work-life balance while coping with conflicting demands of work and home.
·             Managing stress by getting the most out of each day.

Kindly find below the full programme details:



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